Friday, September 11, 2009


A few things to get done before Im 40:

1. Get out of debt... getting closer every day I will work on making double car payments and hopefully will be done with it all by Spring.

2. Spend more time with my family.

3. Figure out what I want to be when I grow up and work on getting there.

4. Quit smoking!!

5. Get in shape, I would like to feel better at 40 than I do right now.

Thats it I guess off to work!


Mom/Katie said...

Happy Birthday! You go girl! All of the things you want to do, I'm still working toward at 67. It'll take me longer than Spring, except for the smoking - no problem there. Love you!

MUD said...

Happy Birthday! A Journey of a 1000 miles begins with the first step. Plan your work then work your plan. Stopping smoking was much harder for me than the other things. Have you tried to calculate how much faster you could pay the car off if you threw the cigarette money in the pot? Money Motivates! MUD

Donna said...

Great post, Kimmy! I hope your birthday was wonderful... here's to a new year filled with wonderful things...