Friday, June 20, 2008

My favorite place

The picture above is of my favorite place in the world Beaver Lake. This is the only place from my childhood that I can still go home to. My sister recently lost a great friend way to early and it got me thinking where would I want to die if I had a choice in the matter, I know that it would be at this beautiful spot sitting on the front porch with people I love.
I am so lucky that this place was purchased by my mother and stepfather and that they let us enjoy it with them and with family and friends. Every year we join with our best friends and cousins to reconnect with ourselves and each other, I hope this tradition continues on for many years to come and that the group will continue to grow. To the girls of Beaver, see ya soon!


Aunt Sue said...

I went to the porch last summer with your mom and waited for the sewer to get fixed. I kept waiting for the ghost of Erma to show up but it didn't happen. I love that place and I'm glad there will be new beds and a new septic system for the cousins to visit.
Love Aunt Sue

Aunt Sue said...

We loved going to Beaver Lake for many years (20) to visit Erma and Curly. Some of our best memories are on the front poarch with a case of beer plus a fifth of vodka. We took our boat in case we had the urge to fish. One of our best memory times was when Curly, Myrna, and I went out fishing and caught 30 white bass and had to clean them for supper. It took 2 hours. They were biting on every cast and We had to stop fishing because I got dieria. What a memory. Ray

Aunt Sue said...

One more post, when we went to Arkansas we always took a jug of vodka for Curly. He would water it down for Erma as she could get carried away. One time she stayed home when we went to War Eagle Mill. When we returned Erma was drunk as a skunk. she had got into the Vodka at full strength. She said "I sure love that Ray". After that we made sure the vodka was hidden. Ray

MUD said...

I'll bet that if you are there in the evening you can hear the Ghost of Erma say, "Kid would you go out to the cellar and bring me a beer". Curly wasn't blood kin but he was the only grandfather I had. He was a gruff old guy but in the end I won him over by cutting firewood over on the Buffalo. Never did get into that fishing like Curly, Dad and Jenn did. I think that the place in Arkansas is so much like Rabbit Run that I just don't go there any more. I have trees, ticks and snakes and a lake only a couple of miles from here. MUD

Kimmy said...

Thanks for all the great stories! Every time I drive up to the cabin I expect to see Erma on her lounge chair and Curly in the chair below the stairs, it still feels weird to sit in his spot.

Donna said...

It is a WONDERFUL and indescribable place. Absolutely magical. (Magical... with ticks, and snakes and mosquitos.) Thanks to you, Kimmy and Jenn...and the generations beyond, for sharing it with me. I'm sooooooo looking forward to GW2008!!! (and many more!)